Special Features (特色)

1.      Cultivate students both in living knowledge and skills.

2.      Enforce the acquirement of living art.

3.      Emphasize both further education and career development.


Special Subjects (專業科目)

1.      Making and design of clothing (服飾製作與設計)

2.      Sewing (縫紉)

3.      Handcraft (手工藝)

4.      Chinese and western cuisine (中西餐)

5.      Design of flowers (花卉設計)

6.      Food baking (食品烘培)

7.      Food and beverages service (餐飲服務)

8.      Home management (家庭管理)


Employment (就業管道)

1.      Home economy advisor of agricultural organization (農會家政指導員)

2.      Promoter of 4H club (四健會推廣人員)

3.      Assistant childminder (幼兒助理保育員)

4.      Promoter of mother classroom (媽媽教室推廣員)

5.      Bakery (西點), costume( 禮服),restaurant (餐廳), clothing(成衣) ,electric embroidery (電繡) , hotel (飯店),fast food restaurant(速食店)


Further Education

1.      life science department (生活應用科學系)

2.      fashion design department (服裝設計系)

3.      home economy department (家政系)

4.      health care department (保健系)

5.      technological college and junior college (技術學院與專科學校)